
Archive for Month: March 2019

How To Get Consent & Record Coaching Sessions, Plus Why You May Want To Try It!

From an article originally published by The Coaching Tools Company. (October 30, 2014) Nervous about recording your coaching sessions for certification? Worrying how you get consent from your clients, or what technology to use? Or perhaps you’re even wondering why bother? Read on and Kerryn will explain all… Until yo...

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Can high potential coaching add value?

There is ample research related to executive coaching and its benefits for the individual and organisations. Changes in the workplace such as technical development, globalisation and ever-demanding markets are placing greater demands on leaders, hence effective talent management acquisition and retention are crucial. This issue ...

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Coaching supervision – how much do you need?

At long last, it seems a larger body of coaches is reaching a higher level of professional maturity.   In particular, more and more coaches seem to be finally moving from the question of “What is coaching supervision?” and whether it is necessary to how much coaching supervision is necessary.   The Associ...

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Coaching supervision versus mentor coaching

Coaching supervision involves a process of exploring through experience, reflection, inquiry and/or action, any personal, relational, professional and contextual issues arising from coaching practice (Geddes and Armstrong, 2009). As Geddes and Armstrong (2009) explain, supervision coaches’ professional self-awareness as we...

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