
Archive for Month: June 2023

The landscape of coaching – now and beyond

Many coaches will be surprised to discover that what we now know as coaching has been more than a century in the making. Though still young in comparison to more established disciplines, its one-hundred-year history has led to a diversity in theories and applications that continually expand, as well as an ever-increasing number ...

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When was the last time you listened to your own recorded session?

Many coaches fall into the trap of only listening to their own recorded sessions when they have to. Then, when the necessity of a credential exam has passed, years can pass before they listen to one of their own coaching session recordings again.   The best coaches however make a point of listening to their […]...

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How do I share my coaching session recordings? (2023 update)

So, you got permission to record your session, and you’ve got a session recording, now you need to figure out how to share it with your mentor or a client. If you’re working with a mentor, hopefully your mentor is using RaeNotes (if you don’t already have an account, sign up here and both ReciproCoach and [&hellip...

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What’s the easiest way to get transcripts from my session recordings? (2023 update)

Gone are the days when the only way to transcribe a session recording was to painstakingly do it yourselves, or pay another human to do it for you. Now, thanks to massive advances in the quality of AI transcription, transcribing a session a recording is painless and quick! As good as AI is becoming, and […]...

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How do I record my coaching sessions? (2023 update)

Thanks to striding advances in technology, recording coaching sessions has never been easier.   Recording face-to-face sessions The best way to record face-to-face sessions is by recording them on your smart phone. iPhones have a free default app called Voice Memos which usually comes standard with your iPhone (but if it...

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