
Archive for Month: February 2020

What do you need to know about first-time coaching clients?

Most coaches will agree that there’s a big difference between coaching a seasoned coaching client and coaching someone who’s beginning coaching for the first time. With seasoned coaching clients, you can hit the ground running. But for ‘first timers’ there are numerous important considerations that can help or hinder the...

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Want to get right to the heart of the matter in every coaching session?

Have you ever found yourself halfway through a session without clear direction? How about five minutes before the session ends and you’ve only just hit upon the real issue? And let’s not forget the sessions that run over time because you can’t wrap up when you’re only partway through. Too many coaches get seduced by [&he...

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Top 10 Coaching Website Mistakes to Avoid – 2020

    In lead up to the Make your Website Work Peer Coaching Round, professional website designer for coaches, Kenn Schroder, shares some tips for tweaking your coaching website to attract more clients…       From building over 100 websites, advising on thousands more, and running my own website design...

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3 Keys to a Coaching Website That Attracts Clients

    In lead up to the Make your Website Work Peer Coaching Round, professional website designer for coaches, Kenn Schroder, shares some tips for tweaking your coaching website to attract more clients…     For most coaches, the first goal on their business journey is getting to a full list of clients. An a...

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