Archive for Month: October 2022
What does it take to pass the MCC performance exam?
In times gone by, knowledge of what it took to pass the MCC exam was shrouded in mystery. Fortunately, those times are now in the past and what it takes to pass the MCC exam is becoming more and more transparent. While the ICF has worked to improve the measurability and consistency in assessment […]...
Read More ⟶What can we all learn from coaching dyslexic clients?
As the recognition and awareness of neurodiversity increases, strategies that were once reserved for identified disorders are beginning to expand their applicability to a wider audience and coaching, of course, is no exception. A case in point is a recent study that examines the process of coaching dyslexic adults. The ...
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GROW, Goal – Reality –Options – What next/Way forward/Wrap-up/Will do is likely the most well known of the acronym-based coaching models and paved the way for others. Such prescriptive acronym-based coaching models also led to the emergence of solution-focused and goal-directed coaching process. This is a common process in...
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