What’s the #1 biggest challenge when it comes to …?

Posted on: 14 Mar 2024

How many times have you asked yourself this question:


What’s the #1 biggest challenge when it comes to 


According to Kenn Shroder, Web Designer for Coaches, this question is not only great for writing juicy content, but it’s the same question he uses when helping a coach narrow in on their niche – websites do better when they are focused on your ideal client.


If you’ve never asked yourself this question, if you’re not clear on the answer, or if you couldn’t easily insert your area of coaching to complete the question, then I’d wager that your website is probably not attracting any/many clients or it’s non-existent, in which case, you’re sure to benefit from our Make Your Website Work Peer Coaching Round. This is the one focused round of the year that will help you give your website the overhaul it needs to attract clients and start working (or if you haven’t yet got a website at all, it will help you get it right the first time).


In our Make Your Website Work Peer Coaching Round, you’ll get access to Kenn’s Coaching Website Guide, a 200+ page document that’s packed full of his best tips for building high professional credibility, engaging visitors authentically and powerfully, and generating client leads.


Combine this with six coaching sessions with your assigned peer coach (so you’ll definitely take action) and six sessions with your assigned peer client (so you’ll feel like a fraud if you don’t take action!), and before long, you’ll notice outcomes like those of our many past participants (read their testimonials here).



Participants of the Make Your Website Work Peer Coaching Round consistently find this round so valuable that we run it every year (this is the sixth year), with many ReciproCoaches participating again when their website needs an update. You can find out more information about what’s included in this round here or, if you know your website needs some work to make it work, then you can go ahead and register now (if you’re a past participant, register here at a discounted price or for a standard membership coaching credit).


(Registrations close Sunday, April  21)


Too often, too many coaches spend too much time perfecting a website that just doesn’t work; i.e. it doesn’t deliver leads. Don’t let potential clients pass through your website without contacting you when you can avoid some very simple website mistakes by joining our Make Your Website Work Peer Coaching Round.


By combining Kenn’s Coaching Website Guide with peer coaching, we support you to get the coaching you need to implement Kenn’s advice and the accountability to make it happen, so that you actually see the results of a coaching website that works.


Supporting coaches in creating thriving businesses,


Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC

Global ReciproCoach Coordinator