What stops coaches making a living from coaching?

Posted on: 15 Jul 2022

Many seasoned and successful coaches would agree that the biggest challenge they faced in their coaching careers was having the necessary business skills and knowledge to build a thriving business.


The majority of coaches are not natural business people, and most experience fear around some very necessary business processes. Too often, these same coaches avoid facing their fears by spending a lot of time developing their coaching skills, and significantly less time developing their business building skills (this is key mistake many coaches make).


The reality is that growing a business, especially a coaching business, can come with a host of fears that need to be overcome, in order to succeed in making a living from coaching. This is why ReciproCoach has partnered with Dermot Butterly, who specialises in the Art and Science of Business Building for Coaches and supports coaches in overcoming their fears through Club Fearless for Coaches and his Mini Business Building Course.



We first came across Dermot’s work when a long time ReciproCoach recommended his program saying, “As a result [of Dermot’s program], I have finally begun earning an income as a coach after many failed attempts”. This is what caught our attention. We hate seeing coaches give up after failed attempts at building a successful coaching business, so we contacted Dermot and worked with him to develop our first Overcoming Fears in Business Peer Coaching Round


The Overcoming Fears in Business Peer Coaching Round will give you access to Dermot’s Mini Business Building Course, in addition to having a peer coach and peer client. Six 30-minute video classes (on demand, not live) will address the six major fears coaches usually face when building their coaching business. Then, through six 45 minute sessions with your coach, and six 45 minute sessions with your client, you’ll apply and integrate the training to move through your fears and make your coaching business a success.


Whether you are new to coaching, or have been around for years, and are yet to take your business to the level you desire, Dermot’s training is widely applicable to coaches of varying experience. You can find more information about our first Overcoming Fears in Business Peer Coaching Round here. Alternatively, if this already sounds like just what you need, then register here before Sunday August 21.



Business skills and coaching skills go hand in hand. You need the business skills to make your coaching business successful, and you need the coaching skills to convert prospects into clients and have them get so much out of coaching with you that they refer new clients.


In this round, you get the best of both worlds. More experience coaching and getting coached, thereby developing your coaching skills further, with focus and training on developing the necessary business skills to succeed.


Supporting coaches in building successful businesses,

Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC