Want to contribute to the ReciproCoach community and get a reciprocal membership?

Posted on: 06 Aug 2020

Each year, we give ReciproCoaches an opportunity to get more involved in the ReciproCoach community through our Reciprocal Membership Program.


Through the ReciproCoach Reciprocal Membership Program, members can make a contribution to the ReciproCoach community and, as a thanks for your work, we’ll give you your choice of any ReciproCoach membership.


This program aligns with our vision of having a community for coaches that is run by coaches. It also creates more activity in the ReciproCoach community and extends our reach ever further into the coaching world.


We are now updating our list of potential reciprocal contributors for 2020-2021 and are putting out a call for expressions of interest. Please note that we will be deleting previous expressions of interest, so if you didn’t contribute in the last year (or would like to contribute again), we need to hear from you now to be on the 2020-2021 list. All reciprocal roles involve an approximate 6 hour commitment.


We are are always in need of contributors in the following roles:


Content Writers: Write approximately 5000 words for the ReciproCoach blog. Posts will be published under the ReciproCoach brand (not your own) and only those which we choose to publish will be included in the word count. You will be provided with potential stimulus for writing and may choose what inspires you. We will also provide you with full guidelines for the kinds of posts we are looking for and our publishing criteria. For this role, you should be an experienced coach, an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile and of course have excellent written communication skills.

Content Identifiers: Read, watch or listen to up to 10,000 words of existing ReciproCoach material and identify valuable content to share on our blog and social media platforms. For this role, you should be an experienced coach with an eye or ear for identifying content that will engage coaches. You should also be an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile.

Video Editors: Watch up to 4 hours of ReciproCoach and coaching related videos and edit the videos to create short video snippets to share with our community. For this role, you need to be able to edit videos, and you should be an experienced coach with an eye for identifying content that will engage coaches. You should also be an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile.

Proof Readers and Editors: Proof reading and/or edit up to 5000 words of ReciproCoach website content, emails and articles. For this role, you must be a native English speaker and have excellent written communication skills and an eye for detail. You should also be an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile.

User Testers: Engage in up to 6 hours of live user testing of the ReciproCoach website/s. You will need to meet and screenshare with a ReciproCoach team member, and follow our instructions as we observe you using our websites. When applying, please identify your computer skill level (we need people with poor IT skills and people with high IT skills) as well as your current experience with the current ReciproCoach site (we need people with no experience and people with a lot of experience). You should also be an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile.

Product Reviewers: Review a product ReciproCoach is considering adding to its program. This role may involve more than 6 hours, but you will have the opportunity to choose which product you read, listen to or watch, thereby giving you the opportunity to gain free access to the product, its learning and its outcomes, in addition to the reciprocal membership. On completion, you’ll be required to fill in a product review form. For this role, you should be an approved ReciproCoach with a complete profile.


If you would like to contribute to the ReciproCoach community, learn something new in the process and get a free ReciproCoach membership of your choice, simply reply to this email indicating which role/s you are interested in. Please note any experience/skills that might be relevant to the role/s and approximately when would be the most suitable time in in 2020-2021 to make your contribution.


The above roles are needed throughout the course of the year and we will agree on a mutually suitable time for you to make your contribution. Your reciprocal membership will be granted after your contribution is complete.


If you contributed in the past, and we think you did a good job, we will keep you on our list and offer your another opportunity to contribute in the same way.


We look forward to seeing even more co-creation in our ReciproCoach community!