Want to contribute to the ReciproCoach community and get a Reciprocal Membership?

Posted on: 09 Nov 2023

About once a year, ReciproCoach gives its members an opportunity to put their hands up to contribute to the community in some way, and get a Reciprocal Membership in return.


We are now updating our list of potential reciprocal contributors and are putting out a call for more/renewed expressions of interest for reciprocal contributions over the next 9-12 months. Some of the 2023-2024 roles in our Reciprocal Membership task force include:


  • Group mentors
  • Supervisors
  • Proof readers and editors
  • Website testers
  • Coaches
  • Climate Champions alliance builders


All reciprocal roles involve an approximate 5 hour commitment and you can find out what the above reciprocal roles involve here. As a thanks for your co-creative endeavours, we’ll give you your choice of one of our annual memberships (maximum value US$175).


To register your interest, first make sure you have an up-to-date professional profile and approval to participate, and then reply to this email and indicate which role/s you are interested in, any experience/skills that might be relevant to the role/s and approximately when you would like to make your contribution. The above roles are needed throughout the year, and, after you register your interest, we will email you as the need arises and agree on a mutually suitable time for you to make your contribution. Reciprocal memberships are  granted after your contribution is complete. Please note:


  • If you put your hand up last year, but did not get the opportunity to contribute, please register your interest again this year. We will be deleting previous expressions of interest, so we will need  to hear from you now to be on the 2023-2024 list.
  • If you contributed in the last year, feel free to put your hand up again for the same or different roles.


For more than six years, our Reciprocal Memberships Program has been a great success. Not only do we fulfil our vision of having a community for coaches that is run by coaches, but we also create more activity in the ReciproCoach community and extend our reach ever further into the coaching world.


We look forward to seeing even more co-creation in our ReciproCoach community,


Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC

Global ReciproCoach Coordinator