
Updated ICF Core Competencies

The table below highlights how the old ICF Core Competencies map across to the updated ICF Core Competencies. You will see that some of the old competencies map straight across to the new ones clearly, however, you will also notice some different font colours which indicate where an old competency maps across to more than one updated competency.



Upon reading the updated ICF Core Competencies, we noticed the following key similarities and differences:


  • Same major categories/clusters (process is the same)
  • Nouns changed to verbs (emphasising what we actually do)
  • New competency: Embodies a Coaching Mindset (which is who we are and commitment to professional practice – only 2.1 would be observable in a session)
  • No specific questioning competency (which is good, as it’s not necessarily a question that evokes awareness)
  • 3 action competencies merged into learning/growth (we usually address these as one in mentoring anyway)


We also noticed the following improvements:

  • New core competencies align with PCC markers
  • Demonstrates Ethical Practice includes multiple stakeholders and a systemic/contextual understanding
  • Systemic/contextual understanding also recognised throughout the competencies, underscoring its importance
  • Embodies a Coaching Mindset recognises the professional expectations of a coach (who we are)
  • Establishes and Maintains Agreements is not just about establishing an agreement but includes before, during and end processes within a session
  • Many behaviours have been recategorised into more suitable skill areas