DOING IT ALL in your coaching business?

Posted on: 17 Mar 2023

“When we run our own businesses, we have to do it ALL.”


Having to do it all is something that Emma-Louise Elsey, founder of The Coaching Tools Company, discovered early on in her coaching journey. In fact, like it or not, doing it all is something most of us find ourselves doing at some point in our coaching careers.


I bet you thought you were getting into coaching to coach, right? You’re not alone – virtually all of us make this assumption – and eventually we learn that in order to reach the point at which we’re coaching as much as we want, we need to learn to run a business first, and that often involves doing it all (or at least attempting to).


Most coaches spend many a peer coaching session working on the challenge how to do it all, how to avoid doing it all or how to reframe doing it all. However, if we’re smart, we can fast track some of this by learning the business planning skills that suddenly make doing it all a whole lot easier.



To support you in developing some business planning skills that help to form solid foundations for a successful coaching business (in which you coach more and no longer have do it all), ReciproCoach has once again partnered with The Coaching Tools Company to deliver Business Coaching 101.


In its seventh year running, this Reciprocal Peer Coaching Round has been hailed as “the best round of all ReciproCoach’s business coaching rounds”. 


As a participant, you will work through a special selection of 17 business coaching resources from The Coaching Tools Company’s Small Business Coaching Toolkit. As a client, you will put in place systems and habits that will serve you long into your future as a coach in business, and a coach, you will work with the tools with your assigned peer client. You will also have licence to customize the tools with your own business branding and use them with your future business coaching clients. In effect, this round will support you in preparing your own business for success, and it will also boost your professional image, as well as your clients’ business coaching outcomes (all participants also receive a coupon code to purchase the full Small Business Coaching Toolkit, including an additional 13 business coaching resources, for just US$72).


You can find more information about the Business Coaching 101 Reciprocal Peer Coaching Round, including testimonials from the last seven years’ participants, here. Alternatively, if this already sounds like just what you and your business coaching clients need, then register here before Sunday April 23.


Register Now


If you’re feeling the overwhelm that comes with trying to do it all, and really just wanting to coach, coach and coach some more, then equip yourself with the business planning skills and habits to get you there.


Supporting coaches in building successful businesses and coaching more,

Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC

Global ReciproCoach Coordinator