How many coaches still set New Year’s resolutions and why or why not?

Posted on: 03 Jan 2019

This time last year we asked the question, “As a coach, do you still set New Year’s resolutions?” and we ran a poll. According to this poll, here’s what we found out:

  • 48% of coaches still set New Year’s resolutions.
  • 33% of coaches do not set New Year’s resolutions.
  • 19% of coaches sometimes set New Year’s resolutions.

The results of this poll, raise two more questions to explore:

  1. Have the results changed this year or are these results consistent?
  2. Why is it that 33% of coaches do NOT set New Year’s resolutions?

To probe these two questions, answer the question “Did you set New Year’s Resolutions (intentions, goals or something similar) for 2019?” in this year’s new poll and participate in our LinkedIn discussion and share why you do or do NOT set New Year’s Resolutions.

Written by Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC and Global ReciproCoach Coordinator